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International Writing Residencies

Led by Lise DUMASY, Laurent GALLARDO, Derek McCORMACK, Marie MIANOWSKI, Lisa MOORE, Helen PARIS, Gretchen SCHILLER

This project, launched in 2019 with Canadian writer Lisa Moore, aims to promote voices of diversity by hosting writers from around the world in residence. It is part of the artist residencies developed since 2016, which promote the exchange of interdisciplinary knowledge stemming from artistic practices.

Collaboration with the UGA Éditions « Paroles d’ailleurs »* is envisaged as part of the international residencies for authors and artists set up by the SFR at the MaCI. The idea is to offer artists in residence, particularly writers and authors, the opportunity not only to create a text while they are at the UGA (MaCI) but also to keep track of it through publication, or even translation in the case of texts in foreign languages.

The first milestone in this collaboration is the forthcoming publication of a translation by Lise Dumasy of a novella written by Canadian author Lisa Moore, who was in residence at the MaCI in 2019. As part of the Atelier de traduction-création, a structuring programme of the SFR Création, there are also plans to examine the reciprocal work of the author and translator through exchanges, workshops and meetings open to researchers, students and the general public.

A study day dedicated to issues related to the translation process is planned for autumn 2021. Writing workshops will also be organised at this time.
The second residency in the programme is scheduled for spring 2022.

* The UGA Éditions collection « Paroles d’ailleurs » (Words from elsewhere), edited by Claire Maniez and Laurent Gallardo, is open to academics wishing to make known, through their translations, foreign authors and thinkers unfamiliar with our culture, authors whose words the translator believes deserve to be heard. Specialists in a foreign culture, these academics who work in the vast field of foreign languages are not only researchers, but also conveyors of "words from elsewhere", whether that elsewhere is in space, time or both.

Projects supported or events linked to this programme


Publication of the novella La Traduction of Lisa Moore in the Paroles d'ailleurs collection from UGA Éditions, translated from English by Lise Dumasy and public meeting with Lisa Moore and Lise Dumasy on April 12, 2022.

Le film Tissu : enredando memorias/mémoires en réseaux


Submitted on March 7, 2024

Updated on November 13, 2024