[Call for papers] Documentations et archives dans les thèses de recherche en création : enjeux et statuts des traces - Colloque resCAM 2025
Until June 6th, 2025
For its next conference, to be held from 5 to 7 November 2025 at the University of Toulouse, the Réseau Création, Arts et Médias (resCAM) is launching a call for papers from doctoral students in the network's member schools.
[Call for contributions] Foundations and Futures of Dance Scholarship in French
until 15 June 2025
for the special issue of Dance Chronicle edited by Carrie Noland and Gretchen Schiller
Atelier Cartographie : cinéma, industrie, media, urbanité et création et séminaire Cinéma et medias de proximité
March 27th, 2025 - 9:00 a.m. -03:00 p.m.
MaCI - Plateforme Live Arts Lab
The day is organised in two parts, with a Cartography: cinema, industry, media, urbanity and creation workshop, an exhibition in progress as part of Armin Linke's residency (GATES 2024 Fellow) from April to December 2024 at the MaCI, followed by a seminar on Cinema and local media.
In conjunction with the SFR Création REFLEX programme
Contact: Vincent Sorrel
Contes du Pacifique
March 25th, 2025 - 06:00 p.m. (free admission)
MaCI - Plateforme Live Arts Lab
Invitation from the storyteller and author Céline Ripoll, a specialist in the oral tradition of the Pacific, for a project designed to take a different approach to translation-adaptation, by focusing on the musicality of each language. With Céline Ripoll, the students will work on a ‘preamble’ to her show, starting with a very short Pacific tale, to offer a French version accompanied by percussion and body percussion.
In conjunction with the SFR Création translation-creation workshop programme
Contact: Élise Petit
[Call for contributions] Colloque Les représentations de l’intelligence artificielle en scène : par-delà la science-fiction ?
Until 10th March, 2025
Colloque international organisé conjointement par l'Université Grenoble Alpes et l'Université de Lausanne les 3 & 4 juin 2025 à la MaCI.
Ce colloque aimerait étudier la manière dont ces œuvres interrogent nos rapports aux algorithmes et aux IA génératives, qui régissent aujourd’hui une part considérable de nos vies quotidiennes : quel regard les arts scéniques et performatifs portent-ils sur ces bouleversements numériques ? De quel(s) monde(s) se font-ils aujourd’hui l’écho à travers les représentations qu’ils donnent à voir des systèmes intelligents ?
Miroirs d’opéras. Concert dansé au Grand Siècle
December 9th, 2024 - 04:00 p.m.
MaCI - Live Arts Lab (ground floor)
Jean-Luc Ho (harpsichordist) and Hubert Hazebroucq (dancer and choreographer) will perform some of the finest works of the Grand Siècle choreographic repertoire, set to music from operas by Jean-Baptiste Lully and André Campra.
Conference "Des mains heureuses : enquête sensible et inachevée"
5th February, 2025 - 02:00 p.m.
MaCI - Live Arts Lab
Claire RICHARD is an author and documentary filmmaker. She is interested in the intersections between intimacy and politics, digital cultures and the paradoxes of emancipation. She will be speaking as part of the Graduate School@UGA's REACH thematic school.
REACH (Graduate School@UGA) - REACH - Résidence de recherche-création "Mémoires de papier"
Junary 1st, 2025 - 02:00 p.m. - 05:00 p.m. Duration: 45 min
MaCI - Live Arts Lab Platform
Presentation of work from the M2 research-creation residency led by artist and theatre director Lynne KENT, bringing to a close the REACH minor's research-creation course.
Contact: Sonia Kerfa
Conférence-concert : Comment sonne le vivant en ville
January 16th, 2025 - 07:00 p.m. (Doors open at 6pm, free admission)
Le CIEL, 2 rue Général Marchand, Grenoble
Les échos du vivant en ville, Cresson Winter School - Meeting, Concert & Immersive Performance - in connection with the project Écoute(s) et sonorité(s) du vivant en ville supported by the SFR Création
Contact: Théo Marchal
The Structure Fédérative de Recherche Création (n° FED 4269) coordinates research and educational activities around multidisciplinary creative practices and processes in arts, literature, languages and humanities and social sciences.
Its scientific approach is based on the following five main areas of research:
- The experimentation of new languages, forms and practices of creation
- The analysis of creative processes and practices
- The historical and temporal studies of creation
- The observation and criticism of the socio-cultural implications in artistic activities and the arts industry
- The reflection on the territorial and political aspects of creation
Established in the heart of the Grenoble Alpes University, it has been based since 2019 at the Maison de la Création et de l'Innovation (MaCI), a new University Research Support Unit (UUAR), where it manages the activity of Live Arts Lab and SONIMAGE technology platforms.