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Research as Co-Habitation: Experimental Composition across Theory and Practice.

Atelier, Conférence

On October 24, 2016

Saint-Martin-d'Hères - Domaine universitaire

Dans le cadre des conférences "Recherche - Création", la Maison de la création accueille Erin BRANNIGAN, professeure de l'Université de Nouvelle-Galles du Sud, (Australie).

Dr. Erin Brannigan is a Senior Lecturer in Dance in the School of English, Media and Performing Arts and works in the fields of dance and film as an academic and curator. Her current research explores the condition of dance within the broader field of the performing arts through its relationship with other art forms in interdisciplinary practices. Generated by specific works of art, studies cover dance and the contemporary arts; 'gesture' as a cross-disciplinary framing concept; interdisciplinary compositional strategies of the historic and contemporary avant-garde; minimalism as a creative site of disciplinary assertion; and experiment as the substance of experience.

Cet événement est organisé avec le soutien de :


On October 24, 2016
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Saint-Martin-d'Hères - Domaine universitaire

Complément lieu

 CCN2 - Centre chorégraphique national de Grenoble


Natalya Grulois

nataliya.grulois [at]

Submitted on January 12, 2023

Updated on February 3, 2023