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Workshop, Encounter/Debate
On October 21, 2024

Supported by the GeCLA structuring program
For the second year of the CRE.EDIT 2 project, Jeanne Guyon, co-director of Éditions Verticales, led a creative writing workshop with students on the Literature: Criticism and Creation programme of the Arts, Letters and Civilisations master's degree. As Aurélie Adler, Stéphane Bikialo, Karine Germoni and Cécile Narjoux recently showed (Éditions Verticales, ou comment éditer et écrire debout, 2022), Verticales is one of the most inventive publishing houses today, particularly in the field of non-fiction, with its formal explorations of montage. Working with Verticales also means that the creative publishing workshop is an extension of the creative writing workshop in the ALC master's programme, and creates links with this project, for which we have invited the writer Pierre Senges in October 2023 and Nicole Caligaris in October 2024.
During the workshop, Jeanne Guyon talked about the graphic design of Verticales: this publishing house is known for its communications work and the graphic sense of its proposals, particularly through its booklet ironically entitled ‘Propagandes’: this is an essential part of the editorial writing of Verticales, selecting extracts from works, editing them and putting them on the page in a dynamic way. It is this work of investing the page, of graphic design but also of anthological choice that this workshop is about.
Maison de la Création et de l’Innovation
Live Arts Lab (rdc)
Laurent Demanze
laurent.demanze [at] univ-grenoble-alpes.fr
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